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What Can Love Conquer?

Dr. Joey White

The first doctor told the young woman she most likely had cancer. She would find out the next day if it was malignant or benign. We gathered around her to hear her story and pray. As she began to get emotional telling her journey, two questions came to my mind, "What can love conquer? Can love conquer cancer?" Everyone in the room loves her so much. She is a beloved member in our church. Her husband, children, and extended family love this woman with such pure love.

What can love really conquer? More study and experiments should be done in this field to discover the answer. The Bible says love, "bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things (1 Corinthians 13:7 NASB). So let's have our first experiment and put love to the test: Can Love Conquer Cancer?

1. Love bears all things, even cancer.

2. Love believes all things, even cancer.

3. Love hopes all things, even cancer.

4. Love endures all things, even cancer.

We have two forces of love happening simultaneously. God's love is continuously radiating out of Him. His tremendous love is pouring into us, and the love which we receive from God is continuously being poured out of our lives onto others. 1 John 4:8 teaches us that "God is love." The embodiment of love is found in one source, God. Back to our experiment: Can Love Conquer Cancer?

The Source of love (God) bears all things. He even bears our cancer.

The Source of love (God) believes all things. He even believes our cancer can be cured?

The Source of love (God) hopes all things. He even hopes in our cure for cancer.

The Source of love (God) endures all things. He even endures our trauma of cancer.

The source of love (God) commands us to love one another. He commands us to pray for one another. He commands us to bear one another's burdens. Back to our experiment: Can Love Conquer Cancer?

1. God bears our cancer, and His love poured out through us bears the cancer in others.

2. God believes that cancer can be cured, and His love poured out through us causes us to believe that cancer in others can be miraculously healed.

3. God has a future hope that cancer will be conquered in us, and His love stirs us to hope for our friends that cancer will be conquered in them.

4. God endures cancer on our behalf because He will never leave us nor forsake us, and His love strengthens us during difficult times to endure the trauma of cancer for ourselves and our loved ones.

Conclusion: What happened to the young woman? The next day, she discovered her cancer was most likely benign. She will have more tests this week, but it looks like her cancer is gone. Did God's love simultaneously working together with our love conquer cancer in the young woman? Yes. God is love and His love conquered the cancer in her. But God also used us (The Church) to come alongside the woman and conquer her cancer with the love that God has given us. Love Won! Love Conquered Her Cancer!

If you are enduring the trauma of cancer right now, here's how I suggest you give love a chance to conquer your cancer:

1. Go to the Source of love (God) and give your self, body, future, and cancer to Him.

2. Surround yourself with people who actually love you and are pouring love into you from the Source of love (God).

3. Bear, believe, hope and endure your cancer, but don't do it alone. Take hold of God and your faith friends. Don't fight cancer alone!

4. Cancer is not a punishment. You do not deserve cancer. God did not give you cancer. He did not get you into this (cancer), but He can get you out of it. Trust Him!

5. I would love to hear your journey, and I would be honored to pray with you. I am still experimenting on Love Conquering Cancer so let me love you. Please contact me and let's fight this cancer together. Email me at

PS- I hate cancer! My son, Carson, was diagnosed with Leukemia at age 2. He and we endured three years of chemotherapy treatment. Carson is now 17 years old and has been cancer free all these years. God conquered cancer in his life, and so many people loved us well during our battle. Please contact me if you are in the battle right now. I would love to love you! Conquering cancer is not a science. It's one faith step each day. I would love to take some steps with you.

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