If you are LOSING, you need an EASY WIN! Here’s how:
#1. Turn EMOTION into ACTION. We all felt drained after a long day with people. My daughter even said, “Dad, I'm awake, but my brain is not working.” (She had a zombie vibe about her). We were losing, and a we needed a quick win. But, our emotions were leading us to believe we should just veg-out on the coach, lick our wounds, and eat a bunch of junk food. Emotions oftentimes lead to bad decision-making, but action propelled in the right direction, can save the day. We decided to abandon our emotions and take action!
#2. Think SPIRITUAL instead of only PHYSICAL. Physically, we were exhausted. When we feel bad, we want some immediate relief. Medicine, a drink, a nap or sugar sometimes comes to mind for us to receive some temporary reprieve. However, what if the answer is not a physical remedy but spiritual help? We decided to bring Jesus into the equation. We decided the answer to our physical problem had a spiritual solution. We decided to trust Jesus and invite Him to accomplish exactly what He came to do in our lives. Jesus came to complete these 5 actions in our lives:
1. Preach the gospel to the poor, 2. Heal the brokenhearted, 3. Proclaim liberty to the captives, 4. Proclaim recovery of sight to the blind, 5. Set at liberty those who are oppressed. Luke 4:18 (NKJV)
#3. Be HONEST because it HELPS! Too often, we reason in our minds that our kids should not see our weaknesses nor should they know what we are struggling with in life. Honesty bring health and healing. I am the DAD. I am supposed to have it all together. I was honest with my family and admitted that I was DISCOURAGED. I felt like nothing was working, people were hurting, and I was not able to help them. I was honest about being broken, and I needed Jesus to heal my brokenness. We all shared our struggles as a family and God brought a lot of hurt out into the light. He healed us.
#4. Go CELEBRATE the WIN! Jesus came and brought hope and healing. We got the win when Jesus showed up! It was time to celebrate! For us, we went to the park to fish and play disk golf. We topped it off with a snow cone from a place when had never been before. Jesus brought us from discouragement into victory. He provided the easy win!
If you are LOSING, you need an EASY WIN. You need to win today. Jesus is available to you and your family right now. Follow these quick tips to help you experience victory today!