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Dr. Joey White

Do You Want to See Lives Changed

Every one of us has had or will have an event in our life that drastically alters our previously planned out route. For some, this event could be terrible. The death of a loved one or sudden sickness would be examples of a terrible event. For some, the event could be great. Meeting your spouse for the first time or your child being born are great examples. Fifteen years ago, I had such an event that derailed my life. It was actually an encounter.

I came into contact with a very special man. I was a part of a traveling drama ministry for my university. We would perform skits, dramatizations, and dances at different churches around the country. One day, we shared the service with a missionary. That missionary had been called to China. We performed our skits, and he spoke of a church in China that was being persecuted just for gathering together for church. He was speaking about Christians being imprisoned for sharing the Gospel. God began to open my heart. The missionary used this passage of Scripture: Matthew 9:37-38, “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

China was not my path or what I had planned. I went to school to become a pastor of a

church in America. I had a plan. God was messing up my plans. I listened to the missionary’s passion and a desperate call to help these people that needed the Gospel. We have all felt God nudge us at times. Sometimes we listen, and sometimes we shrug it off. That morning, I shrugged it off, but God would not let me!

That church, like all good Baptist churches, held a “potluck” dinner after the service. I sat down with a plate fit for a king and prepared to feast on fried chicken. As I was eating, I saw the missionary walking by and talking to people. He sat down right across the table from me. It was just him and me. AND… His first question to me was “Hey, you wanna go to China, and see lives changed for Jesus?”

I was blown away. How did this guy know that my heart was being stirred? I didn’t tell anyone. Does he just ask that to everyone he sits down with everywhere he goes??? He shared stories of people in China longing to learn the Gospel and to share it. But there were not many people that were willing to let go of their lives here in America to “GO ALL IN” for God. By the end of the conversation, I knew that God was stirring my heart. I prayed and prayed and prayed some more. Every time I opened my Bible, God would remind me of his work in China for me.

I ended up moving to China and working with the underground Church for over 4 years and saw God do amazing things!

The question I have for you is this “What work has God set aside for you?” There is a great field out there. The HARVEST is all the lost people in the world that are in need of Jesus. The FIELD is out there waiting to be worked. The field is ready to yield a great harvest. As Christians, we are commanded to “GO.” We are gifted with the Holy Spirit to guide us. We are partnered with our brothers and sisters to work alongside us. God has given us all we need.

Going through Practical Theological Seminary may be your way of saying, “God, I’m all in.” Maybe it’s being more open and honest about your faith with those you work with or your family. Maybe it’s sharing the Gospel in a formal setting like a Church. Whatever it is, God hasn’t called us to sit idly by and watch the world perish. He has called us as His followers to be laborer in His harvest fields.

It is my prayer that God will raise up men and women to reap a harvest of souls throughout the world. My question for you is, “Hey, you wanna go to _______________, and see lives changed for Jesus?” Let God fill in the blank!!!

Cody Ramsay is the author of this article. While Cody served as a missionary in China, he met his beautiful Bride, Shuixian. Cody and Shuixian have three children. Cody is student at Practical Theological Seminary.

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